Tuesday, June 30, 2009

diy memasang projector head lamp(diy install head lamp projector)

nampak kemas dan mantap tapi kereta dah cabok (look cool with projector)
head lamp ni lampu warna kuning tak silau sangat(using normal bulb only the light not so sharps)1.Buka bonet kereta cari lokasi head lamp (find headlamp location) 2.Buka dua skru dibelakang head lamp,gunaka soket 10mm (unscrew the two bolt behind headlamp)
spring retainer untuk memegang signal lamp (spring retainer to hold the signal lamp)
signal lamp sudah dilonggarkan dari breketnya (signal lamp loosed from it brackets)
3.tarik spring sehingga signal lamp tercabut.(pull the spring retainer until it release the signal)4.cabut 2 wayar konektor.5.buka dua skru di sisi head lamp.tarik keluar head lamp.
6.masukan new head lamp.pasang semula skru belakang dan skru sisi.pasang signal semula.sambung wayar connector semula.check samada mentol menyala...selesai

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Engine oil and filter change.(diy menukar minyak engine)

Oil sump is a place to keep an engine oil( oil sum tempat minyimpan minyak hitam)Used jack stand to support your car( jeck stand menyokong kereta dengan selamat )
1.Jack front car until you can see an oil sump location.Support car with jack stand securely.If you dont have this equipment please dont continue this procedure ,it dangerous and can harm you,please refer how to jack the car with the correct and safety way.(Jek kereta sehinga anda dapat melihat oil sum.sokong kereta anda dengan jeck stand sehingga kukuh dan selamat barulah anda boleh memulakan kerja sekiranya anda tidak mempunyai jek stand atau tidak mahir menggunakan jeck jangan teruskan kerja ini kerana ia boleh membahayakan anda..rujuk dahulu cara yang betul dan selamat bagaimana mengunakan jeck kereta .. )
2.Use a wrench to remove the nut and allow the oil drain in to the pan.Makesure the pan is big enough to support the volume of oil.buka skru dan biarakan minyak mengalir sehingga kering ke dalam besin ,pastikan besin cukup untuk menakung minyak

slacken the oil filter( buka penapis minyak)oil filter already remove from engine( penapis minyak sudah dibuka )
3Use an oil filter wrench to slacken the filter ,prepare container for oil to drainage.(bukan oil filter dengan menggunakan oil filter remover,pastikan anda letakkan besin dibawahnya kerana minyak akan mengalir keluar biarakan minyak mengalir keluar sehingga kering.)
4.Applay a light coating of clean engine oil to the sealing ring on the new filter then screw the filter in to position on the engine.Tighten the filter firmly by hand only-do not use any tools.(Pasang oil filter baru.sapukan sedikit minyak engine diatas gaskit getah di oil filter kemudian pasang oil filter semula ketatkan dengan mengunakan tangan saja kerana sekiranya menggunakan spana takut akan merosakkan gasketnya dan kebocoran minyak boleh berlaku.) Filler hole ,where you pour an engine oil(TEMPAT MENGISI MINYAK ENGINE)The correct engine oil volume is in betwen min and max from the oil dipstick indicator or 3/4 to the max level.( ukuran minyak adalah diantara penanda min dan max atau 3/4 menghampiri tanda max. )5.Tighten back the nut from the oil dranage sump.Release the jack to lower the vehicle to the ground.Fill the engine oil through the filler hole until to the optimum level.Tighten oil filler cap,start the engine for a few minutes and checking for leaks around the oil filter seal and the sump drain plug.Stop the engine and wait a few minutes recheck the level on the dipstick and add more oil as necessary(Ketatkan skru oil drainage dibawah oil sum.turunkan jek dan isikan minyak engine baru sehingga had yang mencukupi.tahap minyak engine boleh diukur dengan oil dipstick. Tutup oil filler cap.hidupkan engine beberapa minit kemudian chek tahap minyak engine sekali lagi sekiranya kurang tambah minyak sehinga cukup.chek sekali lagi di skru oil sum dan oil filter kalau ada berlaku kebocoran sekiranya ada ketatkan skru yang berkenaan..selesai )

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

7000km car maintanance

  • change engine oil and filter
  • check the condition of spark plug
  • change coolant
  • check tension of drivebelt
  • check brake and cluctch pedal freeplay
  • check brake pads and disc for wear
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welcome for diy lover

From this site i will share with everybody how i do my diy project.here i also welcome to someone who like to share or post their commen or project on automotive.All my diy project iS base on 4G15 ENGINE.(PROTON WIRA ENGINE)...welcome.welcome..

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